The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto (HKETO), Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and StartmeupHK (SMUHK) promoted Hong Kong’s edge as a leading hub and perfect platform for the development of the global start-up ecosystem during the technology conference Collision 2024 held in Toronto from June 17 to 20.
At a Masterclass titled “Hong Kong opportunities: Fintech/Crypto/Web3 and beyond” at Collision 2024 hosted by InvestHK and SMUHK with the support of HKETO on June 19, the Director of the HKETO, Ms Emily Mo highlighted Hong Kong’s super-connectivity role to link Canadian companies with partners from mainland China and other parts of world.
“Hong Kong, as an international financial centre, offers a vibrant venture capital sector with low tax rate and innovative rules such as rules to support the listing of pre-commercial specialist technology companies,” Ms Mo said in delivering the welcoming remarks at the Masterclass.
“There is a creative mindset on Web3/virtual assets developments. Fintech, health technology, green technolog and property technology, etc. are trending in Hong Kong and Asia these days,” she added.
She further promoted that Hong Kong, besides private funding, also provides numerous public funding and talent admission schemes supporting tech companies and professionals to Hong Kong.
The Masterclass was moderated by the Head of InvestHK in Canada, Mr Christopher Chen. Other speakers included the Head of Startups at InvestHK, Ms Jayne Chan who also emceed the Money Conference Stage of Collision; Co-Founder of AllStarsWomen DAO, Ms Akina Ho; and Chief Representative (New York & London Office) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , Mr Anson Law. They gave an insightful review about monetary regulations, start-up funding and opportunities in Hong Kong at this powerhouse session.
InvestHK also set up an information booth, supported by the HKETO, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong Tourism Board and Cathay Pacific Airways, at the conference attracting esteemed entrepreneurs and investors of different sectors to get information about business opportunities in Hong Kong.
In addition, the HKETO and InvestHK hosted a special networking event titled “Hong Kong Fireside Chat@Collision Mixer” for founders, investors and partners. Moderated by Mr Casey Lau of HKG DAO, a fireside chat with Ms Chan, Ms Ho and Mr Law was held on what Hong Kong has to offer on fintech, Web3, blockchain, cryptocurrency, virtual assets and more.
At the event, Ms Mo said that the world’s longest-standing and most influential cryptocurrency, blockchain and Web3 event, Consensus, has picked Hong Kong to be the first destination to expand its global footprint beyond North America. She encouraged participants to join this flagship event in Hong Kong from February 19 to 21, 2025.
The Collision 2024 conference in Toronto is North America’s fastest-growing I&T conference which welcomed over 37 000 participants, including entrepreneurs, investors, start-ups and I&T professionals from around the world this year.
香港經貿處在Collision 2024推廣香港的初創企業生態及機遇
香港駐多倫多經濟貿易辦事處(香港經貿處)、香港投資推廣署(投資推廣署)及StartmeupHK (SMUHK)六月十七日至二十日在多倫多舉辦的科技會議Collision 2024上,推廣香港作為全球初創生態領先樞紐和最佳平台的優勢。
投資推廣署及SMUHK獲香港經貿處支持,於六月十九日在Collision 2024期間舉辦題為「香港的商機:金融科技、虛擬貨幣及Web3」的大師班專題討論會。香港經貿處處長巫菀菁強調香港擔當超級連繫人角色,把加拿大企業與中國內地及世界各地的合作伙伴連繫起來。
大師班專題討論會由投資推廣署加拿大辦事處投資推廣總監陳立智主持,其他講者包括投資推廣署初創企業主管陳幗貞(她亦有主持Collision的理財會議)、AllStarsWomen DAO聯合創辦人胡芯,以及香港金融管理局首席代表(紐約及倫敦辦事處)羅學賢。他們在會上就香港的金融監管、初創資金及發展機遇分享真知灼見。
此外,香港經貿處及投資推廣署為企業創辦人、投資者和合伙人主辦了名為「香港爐邊對談會@ Collision Mixer」的特別交流活動。該活動由HKG DAO劉奇師主持,陳幗貞、胡芯及羅學賢在對談會上討論香港為促進金融科技、Web3、區塊鏈、虛擬貨幣、虛擬資產等新科技發展所提供的支援。
多倫多Collision 2024會議是北美發展最迅速的創科會議,今年吸引逾37 000名參加者,包括來自世界各地的企業家、投資者、初創企業及創科專才。