HKETO Newsroom

February 16, 2024

HKETO Director visits Vancouver for business promotion and talent attraction

Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) (HKETO), Ms Emily Mo, visited Vancouver from February 13 to 16 for business promotion and talent attraction.

At the spring reception jointly hosted by the HKETO and the Hong Kong Tourism Board (Canada) (HKTB) in Vancouver on February 13, Ms Mo updated guests with the latest developments of Hong Kong. She shared the city's promising economic outlook and a series of forward looking mega events in the Year of the Dragon.

“With the institutional advantages of Hong Kong under ‘one country, two systems’, Hong Kong is prepared and inspired to create and present opportunities for everyone who sees it as their destination for business, career or personal growth,” she said.

At the reception, the Director for Americas of the HKTB, Mr Michael Lim, also shared with participants the HKTB’s achievements in 2023 and tourism marketing initiatives in 2024.

This year, an award-winning team of kendama players from Hong Kong was invited to perform at the joint reception to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Guests enjoyed the eye-opening tricks, the energetic power and the fun and joy brought by the young performers.

On February 14, Ms Mo attended a talent attraction session hosted by the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (Vancouver) in collaboration with the HKETO and Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) Canada. Meeting with the students from the Langara College in Vancouver and promoting the excellent job opportunities and prospects of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), which includes Hong Kong, for graduates of overseas tertiary institutions, she encouraged interested young talents to grasp the enormous opportunities presented by Hong Kong to wider their horizons no matter for career advancement, academic pursuit or personal development.

Besides introducing the facilitation initiatives to attract global talents, Ms Mo also highlighted the Hong Kong-Canada Talent Metaverse (, an interactive virtual platform for young talent to interact with Hong Kong employers who have put up job opportunities on the platform.

Deputy Head of Business and Talent Attraction of InvestHK Canada, Ms Grace Lau, also joined other speakers from Canada and the North American Representative Office of Shenzhen to share her insights on the attractive prospects in GBA for young talent.

Ms Mo went on to meet with the Faculty of Applied Science of the University of British Columbia on February 15 to elaborate on the talent and business attraction facilitation measures of Hong Kong.

During her four-day visit, Ms Mo paid a courtesy call to a Member of the Parliament, Mr Wilson Miao, and updated him on the latest development of Hong Kong. She also visited local businesses and met with business leaders to explore collaboration possibilities with their related trade counterparts in Hong Kong.

Ms Mo returned to Toronto in the afternoon of February 16.

February 16, 2024







二月十四日,巫菀菁出席港加商會(溫哥華分會)、香港經貿處與香港投資推廣署加拿大辦事處合辦的吸引人才活動,與溫哥華Langara College學生會面,並向他們介紹包括香港在內的粵港澳大灣區(大灣區)為海外大專院校畢業生提供的豐富工作機會和發展前途。她鼓勵有意到港發展的年輕人才把握香港提供的龐大機遇,擴闊視野,在事業、學業和個人發展方面更上層樓。

除了詳細講解各個吸引環球專才的措施,巫菀菁又特別提到互動虛擬平台“Hong Kong-Canada Talent Metaverse” (,該平台方便香港僱主招聘人手,讓青年人才與他們聯繫。


