HKETO Newsroom

February 9, 2023

HKETO Director joins Hong Kong film production event to promote Hong Kong as a favourable shooting location

Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) (HKETO), Ms Emily Mo, joined the “Film and Television Producers Networking Event” hosted by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (Canada) (HKTB) at The Hazelton Hotel in Toronto on February 8.  This event aimed to introduce the new attractions in Hong Kong to film industry professionals in Canada and the US, and to facilitate their shooting plans to Hong Kong.

In delivering welcome remarks at the event, Ms Mo noted Hong Kong has removed all restrictions for travelling and resumed the travelling to and from Mainland China. “We are back on the centre stage again, for Hong Kong is now seamlessly connected to the Mainland of China and the whole international world,” Ms Mo said.

Noting Hong Kong has a vibrant film industry, Ms Mo added that the city is a cosmopolitan city full of excitement, contrasts and creativity.  “Though Hong Kong is small but its cityscapes and beautiful country scenery are abound and easily accessible with our efficient transportation.  The cultures and traditions of East and West, of ancient and modern, are united in Hong Kong,” she said.

Ms Mo moved on to highlight that Hong Kong has one of the most tax-friendly system in the world with low profit tax rates, salaries tax with standard rate of 15%, no capital gains tax and no sales tax. “Hong Kong is a leading film-making centre, and has been host to a wide array of overseas productions, be they feature films, short films, TV productions, commercials or music videos,” Ms Mo continued.

Ms Mo encouraged participating Canadian film makers to leverage on Hong Kong’s unique advantages and enjoy the new offerings in Hong Kong.  

Following Ms Mo’s remarks, Director for Canada, Central and South Americas of the HKTB, Mr Michael Lim, introduced the “Hello, Hong Kong” campaign launched to unveil a series of promotional activities and highlight the many new attractions, developments and opportunities for visitors coming to Hong Kong.  HKTB also shared experiences on supporting overseas film crews to shoot in Hong Kong.  

On the same occasion, Director for Canada of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Mr Andrew Yui encouraged the participants to join the Hong Kong International Film & TV Market (FILMART), Asia’s first one-stop film and entertainment marketplace, to be held in Hong Kong from 13 to 16 March.

February 9, 2023


香港駐多倫多經濟貿易辦事處(香港經貿處)處長巫菀菁於二月八日出席由香港旅遊發展局加拿大辦事處(香港旅發局)在多倫多Hazelton Hotel舉辦的「影視製作人交流晚會」。該活動旨在向美加電影業界介紹香港的新景點,以及業界到香港取景拍攝時所獲得的支援。



巫菀菁同時強調,香港是全球其中一個地區擁有最優惠稅制,利得稅率低,薪俸稅的標準稅率為 15%,沒有資本利得稅和銷售稅。巫菀菁續說:「香港是首屈一指的電影製作中心,過去有不同種類海外製作在香港取景拍攝,包括劇情長片、短片、電視製作、商業廣告及音樂錄像影片。」



此外,香港貿易發展局加拿大代表芮紹能鼓勵與會者參加於三月十三至十六日在香港舉行的香港國際影視展 – 亞洲首個一站式影視娛樂貿易展覽會。