HKETO Newsroom

November 1, 2022

HKETO Director joins 3rd Collingwood World Summit on Habitat in Towns 2022

Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) (HKETO), Ms Emily Mo, joined the third Collingwood World Summit held between October 31 and November 1 with a focus on sustainable housing and finance. 

Hosted by the town of Collingwood in partnership with the Urban Economy Forum and UN-Habitat, the Summit provided a platform for town leaders, public and private sector partners, urban activists, academics and civil society to exchange and share best practices pertaining to sustainable development goals in towns. The theme for this year’s Summit is “Habitat in Towns”.

Presenting at the Summit, Ms Mo shared the plan for Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area in Hong Kong with participants. “Strategically located in the North-western part of Hong Kong, and well connected to the mainland of China, Hong Kong International Airport and other new towns, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government spearheads the Hung Shui Kiu New Area Development into a regional hub in the North-western part of Hong Kong,” Ms Mo said.

“The significance of the development is to supply a number of public and private housing units in the medium-to-long term while providing land for diversified economic uses ranging from offices, retail, dining and entertainment, logistics, technology and industrial operations, creating about 150 000 of jobs,” Ms Mo continued. 

Before closing, Ms Mo highlighted that the new development area project not only integrated leisure space with natural, cultural and landscape resources but also optimize transport infrastructure and promote green mobility and living style.

November 1, 2022

香港經貿處處長出席第三屆 Collingwood世界峰會探討2022城鎮安居

香港駐多倫多經濟貿易辦事處(香港經貿處)處長巫菀菁出席於十月三十一日至十一月一日舉行的第三屆 Collingwood世界峰會,該網上峰會旨在探討可持續房屋及金融議題。



巫菀菁續說:「有關發展項目計劃在中至長期提供多個公共及私人住宅單位,並提供土地作多種經濟用途,包括辦公室、零售、餐館食肆及娛樂、物流、科技及工業營運等,可創造約150 000個工作職位。」
