HKETO Newsroom

June 21, 2022

Hong Kong is featured in Collision 2022 held in Toronto

With the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) (HKETO), Invest Hong Kong hosts a Masterclass Panel entitled “Startup Opportunities in Hong Kong” on June 21 at Collision 2022. This Masterclass Panel aims to update participants on the latest startup environment and opportunities in Hong Kong as well as to share insights from leaders in the industry with participants. 

Moderated by Head of Invest Hong Kong in Canada, Mr Christopher Chen, the panel covered a wide range of topics including the startup ecosystem in Hong Kong, scale-up opportunities, funding opportunities for startups, trend of the growth sectors and the future prospects in Hong Kong and the Asia region. Director of HKETO, Ms Emily Mo, is delighted to greet the participants at the panel while sharing the number of start-ups in Hong Kong has increased to over 3 700 in 2021, reaching record highs. 

The Masterclass Panel featured three distinguished speakers in the tech sector, respectively Partner of Radiant Ventures, Mr Hugh Chow, Managing Director of Asia Capital Advisors, Ms Catherine Shiang and President of Keiretsu Forum Canada, Mr Ozan Isinak, who shared with their insights on how to tap on the startup opportunities in Hong Kong and Hong Kong’s favourable business environment which makes Hong Kong an ideal place for companies to set up or expand their businesses.

Collision 2022 is hosted by Web Summit in Toronto, and it is one of the world's biggest tech conference attracting more than 33,000 attendees, over 1,250 startups and 850 investors from over 140 countries.   It aims to bring together global tech leaders, high-potential startups and active investors for attendees to share and connect.  In addition to the Masterclass Panel, the Hong Kong Tourism Board in Canada sets up a booth at Collision 2022 for visitors to obtain more information on the major tech events to be held in Hong Kong.

June 21, 2022

在多倫多舉行的 Collision 2022介紹香港

香港駐多倫多經濟貿易辦事處(香港經貿處)支持香港投資推廣署於六月二十一日在Collision 2022舉辦題為「初創企業在香港的機遇」大師班專題討論會。該討論會旨在向與會者介紹香港最新的初創環境及機會,並由業界領袖向與會者作專題分享。

專題討論會由投資推廣署加拿大辦事處投資推廣總監陳立智主持,涵蓋廣泛的討論內容,包括香港的初創生態系統、發展商機、初創企業的融資機會、行業的發展趨勢及香港和亞洲地區的前景。香港經貿處處長巫菀菁很高興在討論會上向與會者致意,並分享香港的初創企業數目在二O二一年已增至逾3 700 家,創歷史新高。

大師班專題討論會邀請了三位科技界的傑出講者,分別是Radiant Ventures 合夥人 周憲本、Asia Capital Advisors 董事總經理 Catherine Shiang及Keiretsu ForumCanada總裁Ozan Isinak,他們分享了如何把握香港的初創機遇,以及香港的有利營商環境,是設立公司或拓展業務的理想地點。

Collision 2022由多倫多網絡峰會主辦,是全球最大型的科技會議之一,吸引逾140個國家超過33,000位與會者、逾1,250家初創企業及850位投資者參加。會議的舉辦目的是匯聚全球科技領袖、潛力優厚的初創企業和活躍投資者聯繫與會者,並分享心得。除大師班專題討論外,香港旅遊發展局加拿大辦事處亦在Collision 2022 設立展位,讓參觀者了解更多有關香港的大型科技活動資訊。